
Speaker: Joe Lavelle

#156 | Re-integrating the Patchwork Man | Gage Banks, VooDoo Magic Healer

Ironically When we try to focus and concentrate all the time, we lose the ability to concentrate intently. What’s more, by over relying on our logical and problem solving functions , we lose the ability to see the big picture , think creatively, and relax. The key is to stop fighting ourselves ….our various parts of who we are…and instead live as one organism…in balance. … in harmony.

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# 155 | Hormonal Triple Whammy | Kyle Gillett, MD

Falling Testosterone, thinning hair, growing prostate…the Triple Whammy for the older man. Are these related? What can be done. Are there any solutions that kill 2 or 3 birds with one stone? Dr Gillett is an expert in hormone health, and he walks me through the science and provides clarity on what can be done and whether now is better than someday.

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#154 | Adaptive Range Expansion for Peak Performance | Mike T Nelson PhD

Reclaim peak performance and reduce your biological age by rebuilding your ability to adapt to extreme physiological conditions. Whether you’re an athlete or someone striving to feel younger and stronger, listen in as Dr Mike provides a framework for adaptive range expansion to unlock peak athletic performance.

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#153 | The Physionical Man | Nic Verhoeven PhD

Nic Verhoeven PhD is the host of Physionic, an educational platform on YouTube dedicated to making medical research understandable to empower individuals to make informed health decisions. Dr. Verhoeven’s specialty is translating hard data from complex scientific studies into understandable and actionable information for the lay public. Nic and I boil the ocean on many topics that I wanted answers to from the best science communicator in the business. Enjoy!

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# 151 | Pain is NOT “All in Your Head” | Rick Olderman MSPT

Pain is definitely not just in your head. Today in episode 151, Rick Olderman rejoins the wise athletes podcast to share his unique pain solving approach based on a deep understanding of body mechanics combined with brilliant diagnostics which zero in on exact solutions.

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#150 | NIR & Deep Red Light to Preserve Eye Health | Glen Jeffrey PhD

Professor Glen Jeffrey PhD, an research biologist, has been focused on using Deep Red/NIR light to improve eye health. His lab has also discovered that a short exposure to deep red (670nm) light measurably reduces blood sugar. red/NIR light acts to increase ATP production and while blue light reduces ATP production. 

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#149 | Near Infrared Light (NIR) is the Missing Puzzle Piece | Scott Zimmerman

Today on episode 149 I am starting a 2-part series on Near Infrared (NIR) light, an important environmental factor that our bodies expect to have and need for our health. But in a narrowly focused effort to improve energy efficiency, our society has shifted our indoor lighting to LEDs which are the least power hungry way to illuminate our homes and offices….but in focusing on visible light, we have lost something very important to our health. This loss is compounded by the increase in time spent indoors (estimated at 90%). Part One of the series is with Scott Zimmerman, an optical engineer, who has been focused on quantifying the health effects of natural sunlight and designing indoor lighting that reintroduces near-infrared into our homes and offices (that does not run afoul of the Department of Energy). NIR light acts to increase ATP production and while blue light reduces ATP production.  But blocking blue is a half-measure   The real problem is the missing NIR light that you can get in the sun (or better yet, shade) if you would only spent a lot more time outside.   Or, you can fix your indoor lighting.

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#148 | Adventure for Life | Brian Keane

Socrates warned us to beware the barrenness of a busy life. I understand that all too well these days. If you are like me, you are so busy doing the many things you HAVE to do plus your athletic longevity efforts to live long strong, including getting good sleep, eating a good diet with enough of this and not too much of that, and getting enough high and low intensity exercise … that the days just flash by. 

The missing ingredient is marking time with powerful memories:  and for me powerful memories come of adventures that provide experiences that had such powerful emotions that my brain stored the memories very securely. These experiences mark time and give my life a sense of fullness.

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#147 | Solving Inflammaging | Dwayne Jackson PhD

There are 1000’s of ways to reduce chronic inflammation…inflammaging. I cannot do a 1000 things….I need to know the best way to know where I stand and how to make it better.

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