
Speaker: Joe Lavelle

#146 | A Strong Foundation for Athleticism | Tyler Benner of Strong Feet Athletics

Strong Feet Athletics was founded by Tyler Benner, internationally competitive Olympic archer and author. With a deep study of the human body, Tyler believes good posture and daily movement help people do life better. Tyler says athletes deserve to know….what do strong feet look like and what can strong feet do? how do you know if you have strong feet?

Performance isn’t always what we think it is. In other words, how much performance improvement are we missing by only focusing on power output or strength? Where does agility and balance and dexterity come into play? Proper foot mechanics and improved foot strength and proprioception would make you better.

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#145 | Food for Thought | William Li, MD

Each of the 5 body defense systems are influenced by diet. When you know what to eat, to support each system, you can then use your diet to maintain health and beat disease. The five defense systems are angiogenesis (blood vessels), regeneration (via stem cells), microbiome (gut health), DNA protection, and immunity.

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#144 | Muscle for Athletics & Healthspan | Mark Tarnopolsky MD, PhD, FRCP(C)

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell….yes, but what does that mean? What can we do, as Wise Athletes, to have enough healthy mitochondria in our muscles and everywhere else powering our bodily functions for optimal brain power, energy levels, we well as muscle power and endurance?

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#143 | Heart, Lung & Brain Injury from Chronic Over-Breathing | George Dallam, PhD

“The Nasal Breathing Paradox During Exercise.” The research examines, and questions, the existing and generally accepted theory that oral breathing during heavy exercise is essential and improves oxygenation and performance. Additionally, the book addresses the negative effects on our health which result from breathing orally during exercise and how breathing nasally can improve overall health and performance.

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#142 | Fasting Mimicking to Balance Muscle & Longevity | Joseph Antoun, MD PhD

The prevailng wisdom says that when you fast or when you cut calories, you lose fat and muscle.  So the challenge remains….how to thread the needle on losing the visceral fat while keeping my muscle.  And what about the battle between the high protein for maximum muscle growth vs low protein for low IGF-1 and life extension?  Is there any way to get the best of both worlds?  

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#141 | Your Blood Test Results May Vary | Austin Baraki MD

Dr Austin Baraki argues that blood testing is an important but challenging area of medicine.  He argues that people should not put too much faith in imprecise technology measuring indirect markers of biological function. False precision can lead to over confidence, and distract people from the lifestyle improvements that would really make a difference. 

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#140 | Solving Low Vitamin D | Grant E. Fraser MD

Vitamin D isn’t a vitamin but a hormone, and it plays an important role in our bodies including the building and repair of muscle.  How to get enough?

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#138 | Internal Arts: More than Stress Management | Jeff Patterson, author of The Yielding Warrior

Jeff Patterson shares his wisdom on how to gain mastery over ourselves, and to strengthen our power to focus by minimizing the impact of an environment filled with distraction

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#137 | The #1 Secret to Healthy Fat Loss | Vyvyane Loh MD

As a followup to my chat with Dr Vyvyane Loh, Glen and I sat down with Dr Loh to get into the how of losing excess body fat without losing muscle. Dr Loh does not disappoint as she shares her tips on how she has helped so many people successfully navigate the changes needed to get to a healthy body fat level AND a healthy body muscle level…both are necessary for health and athletic performance.

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#136 | Live Long Strong; Dodge the #1 Killer (CVD) | Michael Twyman MD

understand cardiovascular health from a whole body perspective. Rather than focus on LDL and HDL and apoB, he says we need to look at the bigger picture of cardiovascular health….namely cardiovascular health as a marker of whole body health.

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