
red light

#149 | Near Infrared Light (NIR) is the Missing Puzzle Piece | Scott Zimmerman

Today on episode 149 I am starting a 2-part series on Near Infrared (NIR) light, an important environmental factor that our bodies expect to have and need for our health. But in a narrowly focused effort to improve energy efficiency, our society has shifted our indoor lighting to LEDs which are the least power hungry way to illuminate our homes and offices….but in focusing on visible light, we have lost something very important to our health. This loss is compounded by the increase in time spent indoors (estimated at 90%). Part One of the series is with Scott Zimmerman, an optical engineer, who has been focused on quantifying the health effects of natural sunlight and designing indoor lighting that reintroduces near-infrared into our homes and offices (that does not run afoul of the Department of Energy). NIR light acts to increase ATP production and while blue light reduces ATP production.  But blocking blue is a half-measure   The real problem is the missing NIR light that you can get in the sun (or better yet, shade) if you would only spent a lot more time outside.   Or, you can fix your indoor lighting.

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# 108 | Red & NIR Light Therapy Really Works, But How? | Dr Zulia Frost

The reason we can feel infrared light is the infrared wavelengths can penetrate through clothing and through our skin and even through bone, down into our muscles and organs.  It turns out that our bodies react to this light, as well as to other wavelengths including red light to up-regulate normal bodily functions that lead to healing and performance.

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