
#16 – It Takes a Team to Beat Cancer

Today, we are joined by Mindee Stevenson, who is the current masters world champion in the team pursuit.  Mindee has been winning races on the velodrome for many years.  After winning the Masters World Championship in the Team Pursuit in 2019, Mindee discovered she had bladder cancer.  Listen in as Mindee walks us through her racing as an elite cyclist, and her later return to racing as a masters athlete to become world champion.  Mindee also describes her battle with cancer, and how her coach and team are so important to her fight.

The ever curious athlete who demands answers.
About the Author
Curious athlete who demands answers. Husband to Susan ( Father of 3 daughters. Athletic pursuits over time, in reverse order: cycling, skiing, mountaineering, rock climbing, triathlon, golf, tennis, football.

2 comments on “#16 – It Takes a Team to Beat Cancer

  1. Kay Caviness says:

    🚵‍♂️Thank you Joe & Glen, this is Kay Caviness, Mindee’s Mother, – for doing this interview!♥️. My family and friends can listen to our dear Mindee’s voice & hear her drive, spirit, determination, love of athletics & competition. She was born for Athletics and business, such a Blessing to be her Mother. I enjoyed the travel & cheering her on, whether, it was gymnastics, track, in-line skating, cycling, snowboarding etc. Most of all Mindee Appreciated & Loved her Team members, fellowship and support- You were All her family🌹👍🚵‍♂️🚵‍♂️. Keep doing interviews 🏵🏵🏵Hugs & Love

    1. joe says:

      Kay, you are so welcome. We all have great memories of Mindee. And we miss her.

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