On episode 5 of the Wise Athletes podcast, Dr. Glen Winkel and I are joined by Erin Carson, Owner of ECFIT and RallySport to discuss strength training for the older endurance athlete. Erin is a highly respected strength coach serving masters athletes as well as elite and professional athletes. She joins us on episode 5 to talk about the importance of strength training for the older athlete who wants to be faster / stronger / better AND look better in the mirror. We’ll hear about how strength gains can come from simple body adjustments as well as safe weight lifting practices.
Erin can be found at ECFITstrength.com and on social media as ECFIT. Erin’s fitness app is ECFITondemand, which can be found on iTunes and the Google Playstore. Use code WISEATHLETE for a 25% savings on the price of a subscription to ECFITondemand.